in Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Psychologie, BWL, Pädagogik oder verwandten Gebieten Grundlegendes Wissen über Research Methoden Erfahrung mit qualitativen und quantitativen Datenerhebungen Fähigkeit
und Schulungen. Dabei sammelst du wertvolle praktische Erfahrungen im Bereich der qualitativen und quantitativen Forschung.------ Studium in Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Psychologie, BWL, Pädagogik
Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten im Rahmen von nationalen und internationalen Projekten mit Schwerpunkt IoT/Edge/Netzwerk-Compute; Weiterbildung (z.B. Unterstützung bei der Organisation
an integrated design. · Develop concepts for the visual presentation of results in an articulated way. · Support demonstrations in the lab. Your profile: · Currently enrolled on a Master’s degree in computer
demonstration of the proposed concepts. Your profile: · Currently enrolled on a Master’s degree in computer science, information systems or similar. · Practical experience with TCP/IP, in particular network
proposed use-case. Support the validation and demonstration of the proposed concepts. Your profile: Currently enrolled on a Master’s degree in computer science, information systems or similar. Practical
presentation of results in an articulated way. · Support demonstrations in the lab. Your profile: · Currently enrolled on a M.Sc. degree in computer science, information systems or similar · Practical
communications for IIoT. Your profile: · Currently enrolled on a Master’s degree in computer science, information systems or similar. · Practical experience with discrete event networking simulation tools such
enrolled in a master’s degree in computer science, information systems or similar. · Practical experience in programming languages such as Java, C, C++, Python. · Practical experience with networking
including molecular medicine, computer sciences, and technology, as well as to develop new academic programs. Employment requirements are completed university studies as well as teaching aptitude, a doctoral
including molecular medicine, computer sciences, and technology, as well as to develop new academic programs. Employment requirements are completed university studies as well as teaching aptitude, a doctoral
filled at our location in Kiel. WHAT QUALIFICATIONS YOU SHOULD HAVE Completed university degree in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics, computer
, high dimensional data in order to uncover patterns from which machine learning models and applications can be developed. Qualifications Master degree in Computer Science, Mathematics/Statistics
filled at our location in Kiel. WHAT QUALIFICATIONS YOU SHOULD HAVE Completed university degree in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics, computer science
and business requirements Requirements: Bachelor or higher degree in Engineering, Computer Science, IT or Logistics. 4+ years’ experience in WMS implementations as functional analyst Strong knowledge
language (both written and spoken)Strong software and computer skills, including MS Office applications MINIMUM REQUIRED EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE · Bachelor's degree in life sciences and relevant
of computer science Profound and extensive knowledge of: C# WPF, .Net environment Visual Studio, Windows operating system Quick comprehension and familiarization with new information technologies
state of the art active chassis componentsPatent research inquiries for related function Bachelor or master’s degree in electronics, mechatronics, computer science, physics, or comparable field of
and computer skills, including MS Office applications MINIMUM REQUIRED EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Degree in life science-related discipline or professional equivalent plus at least 5 years